reede, 31. oktoober 2008
Tegin Sirje juures luuret ja leidsin midagi põnevat. Muidugi pidin ka ise proovima. Aga see mind üllatas küll, et Sirjega sama tulemuse saime. Ma parem ei kommentaari.
You are 58% Extroverted and 42% Chaotic
Virtue - Fire people exhibit righteousness. These people conform to the standard of moral law. They do what is right and are known for their sense of fair play. They are truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other men.
Core - They demonstrate courage, fortitude, zeal and pugnacity. They have the mental and moral strength that enables them to venture into unknown waters and to persevere and withstand danger. They seldom show fear and are confident in their actions. They have mettle, resolution, and tenacity. They can face danger or difficulty without flinching or retreating. They will fight for their principles and have a stubborn persistence that is unwilling to recognize defeat. They have grit, back bone, guts, and are willing to keep fighting under all odds. They are aggressive and thrive on challenge.
Nature - Their essential characteristic qualities are liveliness, energy, ardor, enthusiasm, courage and action. They have a firm, courageous and assertive disposition which is their most characteristic quality.
Drives - These people like to win or be the best in anything they pursue. Their aggressive nature makes them just one big ego. There is nothing more stimulating to them than to win, and there is nothing more depressing to their ego than to lose. They strive to be the center of attention and are at home when showing-off.
Vice - They are determined, spiteful and revengeful. When angered, they will go to almost any extreme necessary to get revenge, and that revenge will more often be at the moment of the anger. When they're mad they want everyone around them to be mad. They are spiteful and will deliberately and openly do things which irritate someone to the point of anger. They are very short-tempered and anger easily. They are straight-forward and have no reservations about hurting the feelings of others, and they are prone to inflict physical pain as well as mental pain. Just as the main virtue of this sign is being just and right, its main fault is deceit.
Take The Which Element Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy
neljapäev, 30. oktoober 2008
Saapad käes!
Tasuta õigusabi vajad?
kolmapäev, 29. oktoober 2008
teisipäev, 28. oktoober 2008
Reeglipärane tüüp?
esmaspäev, 27. oktoober 2008
Veel üks võlg kustutatud
1) Vali viis blogi, mida hindad loomingulisuse, kujunduse, huvitava materjali ja panuse eest blogiilma mistahes keeles.
2) Iga auhind on nimeline ja sisaldab blogi kirjutaja nime ja linki tema blogisse.
3) Iga auhinnasaaja paneb auhinna logo omale blogisse.
4) Logo peaks linkima originaalauhinna lehele.
5) Auhinnasaaja paneb ka reeglid oma blogisse.
Selle rahvusvaheliseks kujunenud, Uruguaist alguse saanud blogidepreemia reeglid inglise ja hispaania keeles on siin
pühapäev, 26. oktoober 2008
Jõuluhullus alanud
laupäev, 25. oktoober 2008
Külm on, inimesed!
reede, 24. oktoober 2008
Mängupüstol viis politseisse
kolmapäev, 22. oktoober 2008
Tallinna Vesi paneb segast
Vähendan võlga
Ausa kodaniku kasvatamine
esmaspäev, 20. oktoober 2008
Ulatan edasi auhinna
pühapäev, 19. oktoober 2008
Piinasin Juliust
laupäev, 18. oktoober 2008
Tehnikaga või ilma?
Teie tehnika, palun?
reede, 17. oktoober 2008
neljapäev, 16. oktoober 2008
Puna-must sügis?
kolmapäev, 15. oktoober 2008
Pilte invamessilt
teisipäev, 14. oktoober 2008
Meeldetuletus - homme
esmaspäev, 13. oktoober 2008
Kaubamaja = džungel
laupäev, 11. oktoober 2008
Lõikus - fotojaht
On suve ilu otsa saand,
maa paljas, metsad kolletand.
Nüüd väljal lõikus lõppenud
ja vihud kokku kogutud.
Milline lõikus oli teil?
reede, 10. oktoober 2008
Toetatud elamine - kulu või investeering?
Rong see sõitis tsuhh-tsuhh
kolmapäev, 8. oktoober 2008
Loengupidamist tuleb ka õppida!
teisipäev, 7. oktoober 2008
Kogemusnõustamine psüühikahäirete puhul
Allikas: Raepress
esmaspäev, 6. oktoober 2008
Elukindlustus - ainult noortele?
pühapäev, 5. oktoober 2008
Tassike teed?
Cor blimey, I taste like Tea. I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What'>">What Flavour Are You? |
laupäev, 4. oktoober 2008
Klaasist võib teha ka suure kasti, selle vett täis panna ja kalad sisse pista. Sellel pildil on akvaarium Scotland Yardi pubis. Kalad küll vist ei ole enam need, kes 2002.aasta suures tulekahjus ellu jäid.