teisipäev, 30. september 2008
Kurtide kirik kogunes Tallinna
esmaspäev, 29. september 2008
Taksod nöörivad!
pühapäev, 28. september 2008
Kurtide oma päev
laupäev, 27. september 2008
Kõige mihklim Mihkel
reede, 26. september 2008
Totaalse muutumise päev
neljapäev, 25. september 2008
Milleks mulle blogipuu?
kolmapäev, 24. september 2008
Väsinud, lihtsalt väsinud
teisipäev, 23. september 2008
Lipp lipi, lapp lapi peal
esmaspäev, 22. september 2008
Kui vähe on vähe?
laupäev, 20. september 2008
Muusika pildis
Ja tuubist võib kuulata ka.
reede, 19. september 2008
Sellest ma ei unistanud...
You scored 57 intelligence, 52 diligence, 53 charisma, and 52 compassion!
Other jobs you might be good at: pretty much anything you enjoy
Take The Ideal Job for Your Personality Test at HelloQuizzy
See küll nüüd minu unelmate amet ei ole. Aga tegelikkus sinnakanti kisub küll...
Maailmahulguselt tõmbasin.
neljapäev, 18. september 2008
Agentuur NTR teatab...
Keskaegne mina
Your result for The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test...
The Prioress
You scored 16% Cardinal, 64% Monk, 56% Lady, and 38% Knight!
You scored high as both the Lady and the Monk. You can try again to get a more precise description of either the Monk or the lady, or you can be happy that you're an individual.
kolmapäev, 17. september 2008
Olen ju armas? Auh!
Your result for The What Breed Of Dog Are You Test...
Bassett/Blood Hound
Basset Hound:
Originated in England, this breed is independent but sociable, calm, patient and playful. They make great playmates for children, and are happy just to be part of the family. They aren't looking to climb the corporate ladder, but look forward to being part of their very special crowd.
Blood Hound:
Originated in Belguim, this breed is independent, gentle and affectionate. The Bloodhound barks loudly but infrequently. It is well-known for its good scenting nose. They greet visitors happily and live in harmony with other dogs and household pets. Bloodhounds are not overly obedient. A great deal of patience and tact is required to live and train this dog. Genreally a 'good old boy' and a happy free spirit wrapped into one.
Take The What Breed Of Dog Are You Test at HelloQuizzy
Tasumata reklaam!
Pankade vandenõu?
teisipäev, 16. september 2008
esmaspäev, 15. september 2008
Aga tegelikult oleks selle kuulutuse taga hoopis see õnnetu mädanenud seintega lobudik. Nagu arvata oli, on praegune omanik, kes selle osmiku omal ajal omandas tont teab milliseid teid kaudu (ilmselt tema on juba heauskne ostja), isiklikel põhjustel sunnitud oma "kinnisvara" maha müüma. Aga varemeid ju keegi hea raha eest ostma ei hakka.Müüa kahekorruseline mõningast remonti vajav maja Nõmme
keskuses, männimetsa vahetus läheduses. Naabrid rahulikud ja vaiksed.
pühapäev, 14. september 2008
Sügis on käes
laupäev, 13. september 2008
Värvidega on kehvasti...
Peaasi,et katus on, ...
Kas keegi minuga malet mängib?
Your result for The Chess Mess Test...
The King's Merchant
The King's Merchant is an analyzer of situations, but function to repair problems. They prefer dealing with tangible problems and proven experience. They are naturally quiet and open to information and new approaches. Because of this they are a useful source for information.
They may be introverted, but are adept at controlling interactions with others, and may be forceful concerning their influence. They focus on efficiency and skills. The balance they bring is one that encourages groups to think then act. They are capable of holding a cool head in stressful situations and help others assess the reality of any situation. They can be difficult to understand because they do need space to charge. Communication is key here; others need to realize that the King’s Merchant communicates without the need for verbal cues.
The King's Merchant prefers to practice their passion in seclusion. The result however is one of virtuosity that other types find difficult to match or even out do. Because they focus highly on the task at hand they may fail to see the long term expenses. They may also not communicate their understanding of a situation having expected others to see it in their most practical way. They are valuable assets for friends. You should be pleased scoring as a 'Pawn' - it proves that you are a constructive and contributing member of society.
reede, 12. september 2008
Ei pääsenudki heasse seltskonda...
AVOID: the heavenbound. Your path is downward, and you'll need a guide.
The Sexual HELL Test SIIT
neljapäev, 11. september 2008
Kliente pole vaja?
Raha või elu!
teisipäev, 9. september 2008
Meilid pole lugemiseks?
Ei voi olla totta!
Your result for The Heart Test...
Pragmatic Heart
You are 60% Independent, 50% Idealistic, 70% Intimate, and 50% Indulgent!
Independent, Realistic, Intimate, Explicit
Matches for the Pragmatic Heart:
The' category="2">The'>http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=4870700699364858717&category=2">The Broken Heart
The Broken Heart is more needy than you, but their Explicit nature will put you two on a level playing field. You will appreciate the Broken Heart's realistic and intimate nature and feel a genuine connection with them. Their need for love may not always be something you can understand, but your intimate nature will help you appreciate this quality.
The'>http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=4870700699364858717&category=11">The Reclusive Heart
Like you, The Reclusive Heart is independent and logical. The Reclusive is also intimate, something you relate to, but is more indulgent. This will be a good quality, as the Reclusive will want to make the relationship work, even when you are too logical for your own good. However, the Reclusive may not be as challenging as other mates, and you certainly like a challenge.
Your exact opposite is The'>http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=4870700699364858717&category=6">The Bleeding Heart.
Avoid Idealists when possible. They may not be able to relate to your practical nature. Dependents may also trouble you, as you value your independence, but such relationships can work if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and try.
Take The Heart Test